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60 Minute Plus Heavy Metal Compilation

by 쾌 2012. 1. 7.

60 Minute Plus Heavy Metal Compilation


1982/1992, Teichiku (TECX-25390)


1. Raven - Live At the Inferno 04:00
2. Steel - All Systems Go 03:30
3. Crucifixion - The Fox 03:20
4. Goldsmith - Give Me Your Love 04:38
5. Valhalla - Maybe Someday 04:59
6.  Jaguar - Dirty Tricks 04:27
7. Axis - Flame Burns On 02:24
8. Persian Risk - 50,000 Stallions 04:46
9. Dedringer - Lucy 02:31
10. Venom - Bursting Out 03:01
11. Sabre - Cry To the Wind 06:05
12. White Spirit - Watch Out 04:35
13. Warrior - Kansas City 03:07
14. Alien - Absolute Zero 02:37
15. Hellanbach - All the Way 03:18
16. Fist - Throwing in the Towel 04:05
Total playing time 61:23


사용자 삽입 이미지
Neat에서 홍보용으로 제작한 카세트테이프이다. 원래 테이프의 마지막곡은 Fist의 Lost and Found이나 CD에는 심각한 실수로 Throwing in the Towel이 잘못 수록되었다.